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Open Flash Tablet - OFT TIPS Trick’s & FAQ
Open Flash Tablet - OFT TIPS Trick’s & FAQ
Disclaimer All Information here is provided in good faith I accept no responsibility for errors omissions, damage etc resulting from the use of this information- Use at your own risk Website www.openflashtablet.com OFT Tech Support Website http://support.openflashtablet.com/support/home OFT V1 and OFT V2 are essentially same V2 has bigger higher resolution screen and faster processor but no real differences in logging/flashing or operation between the units. Note : The OFT website does not force update of webpages so you may get OLD versions of downloads unless you CLEAR your Browser Cache or force direct read with "Control-Refresh" OFT - Open flash Tablet (OFT 2 is basicly same as OFT 1 it just has bigger screen, not OFT 1 template files will not work on OFT 2) OFM - open flash Manager (windows software) ROM- or tune file this is what is written or read from your ECU ECU - Engine Control Unit Tune files –Templates – Open Flash Manager software – Definition Files Search for these from support site below You have to register now to download tunes http://support.openflashtablet.com/support/home OFT should now auto update template file but if it doesn't try the one at end of post its for V1 OFT hardware. If its old you may need to contact OFT guys to get latest one. If you have OFT V2 with bigger screen you will need to contact OFT guys to get template update. Note : The OFT website does not force update of webpages to your browser so you may get OLD versions of downloads unless you CLEAR your Browser Cache or force direct read with "Control-Refresh" An Open Flash Tablet - OFT can only ever Write a ROM to one vehicle at a time ie the vehicle it is "married " to , however the diagnostic and logging functions will work on any vehicle it supports. See section on Marrying/De-marrying below as you can switch vehicles. This makes the OFT a sale-able device should you wish to part with it it can also be sold to BMW, Porsche or Mazda owners of supported vehicles. OFT - Openflash Tablet Features -Tune Features Handheld Standalone tuning device - no laptop required No internal battery powers from vehicle Upgradable firmware in device via Open Flash Manager- free firmware/feature updates Can log ECU parameters to file- aprox 30 selectable parameters - 12 parameters at a time - Multiple log files up to 20 can be named and 400 minutes of storage see here http://www.ft86club.com/forums/showthread.php?t=84224 Tuning alarms and alerts -configurable- up to three alerts with 4 conditions Real-time logging Screen of parameters being logged to file Big Gauge display of any 3 of the selectable 30 parameters for easy reading during track days eg OIL Temp, AFR, Knock WideBand O2 (oxygen) Sensor logging support (aftermarket sensor required) You can flash back to 100% stock any time -no license hassles -no encryption - no cost -you are in control Pedal Dance function -Completly disable traction/stability control ICE Mode Brake force distribution (For track use) Driving Performance Monitoring- monitor various parameters like brake pressure steering angle wheel slip ect You can re-sell device to other supported vehicle owners including BMW Porsche Mazda once un-maried from your car. Holds up to 5 tune files, plus Stock tune on device - Example: 91 octane tune, 93 octane tune , E85 tune , Tune with LC & FFS enabled OFT tunes are Open and editable and included with OFT - ie free tunes for life and includes tunes for bolt on mods & E85 Launch Control - LC Flat Foot Shift - FFS (no lift shift) Higher RPM limit -soft rev limiter Tunes and above parameters are user adjustable/editable. Youtube Tutorials Their are quite a number of youtube tutorials on OFT use logging ect a good youtube search is "open flash tablet shiv" or http://www.youtube.com/user/VishnuTuningVids OFT First Use See section below if you have had Ecutek tune or have non-standard ROM in car or very new ROM (ie 86/brz) OFT's are now shipped with the latest tunes pre-installed in database format. Never try to READ or FLASH a car with any flashing device with a weak , low or suspect battery. Never have engine running when trying to WRITE/flash or READ a rom/tune to your car. you want ignition full ON (not just accessory) but with engine stopped. 1. Plug in the OFT to car 2. Select Vehicle ie Toyota GT86 ZN6, if you have trouble reading try the other options BRZ or FRS 3. The WRITE button will be greyed out and unusable if no stock ROM has been READ by OFT or the STOCK ROM and VIN does not match the connected vehicle ie its still married to another car. Diagnostics will still work though. 4. READ your stock ROM into the OFT (you cannot write a ROM till you have READ your stock ROM into OFT). If changing vehicles see the section below on marry/unmarring OFT. 5. Once Stock ROM is READ correctly the WRITE button will become active as long as the OFT recognizes your stock ROM Calibration ID and VIN number matches. 6.If after reading stock ROM the Write button is still inactive then the OFT does not have a tune file to match your ROM CALID, ie you have a very new ROM or one not seen before by the Openflash guys. You will need to send a copy of this to the Openflash guys so they can generate a tune file for you. Or your stock ROM was not 100% stock see next section 7. If Write button is now active (no longer grey) your good to Write a ROM. Follow directions on OFT screen. [ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=MWjdC3TEWyk"]Installing OpenFlash Tablet on your BRZ/FRS - YouTube[/ame] OFT issues if you have had EcuTek or non-stock ROM in car or a very new or unknown ROM When you "marry" your OFT to your car for the first time you may see both the READ and WRITE buttons go grey and unusable if you have had an EcuTek Tune or ROM flashed to car or your ROM is not 100% stock. This may happen even if you have flashed an EcuTek "stock" tune to the car. If you get an error like "MODE FILE NOT FOUND" means the oft could not auto generate a tune file for you from its internal database. Just download the tune files from the openflash downloads site and upload to OFT via Open Flash Manager software. 1. Ecutek "stock" tunes/ROM's are not 100% stock, the tune tables and program is but Ecutek hides some license data in the ROM as well. 2. OFT will read your stock rom which is not 100% stock, the READ button has gone grey as its successfully read the rom from the car. so it wont read another. 3. The WRITE has gone grey as the oft has worked out your stock rom is not actually 100% stock as a result it will not build a tune file from its database format tunes ie .dev file it is shipped with, as it uses your stock rom as a base to build tune ROM. If the OFT finds a "non-stock" ROM it will not build a tune from the .dev database tune file as it may build a corrupt tune. 4. The fix is to download the full format .bin tunes from openflash site unzip the downloaded files, DELETE the database format tunes in OFT using OFM, then load up the required full format tune .bin tune files to match your CALID of your stock ROM. As the oft now has a full tune ROM to work with it will just check the CALID and VIN matches and its happy to flash. Open Flash Manager Software- OFM (Windows PC) (note OFT/OFM does not seem to play well with USB 3.0 ports best to use USB2.0 port or hub) This windows software is available from the www.openflashtablet.com website downloads page and is used to 1. Update firmware and features of the OFT 2. Update Template file (if your logging screen missing text) 3. Load and remove tunes from OFT 4. Download log files from OFT 5. Erase or de-marry OFT from a vehicle to allow for sale of OFT to another owner IF running Windows 8 Load the Windows 8 patch from OFT downloads page Exception Target of an invocation error - using Open Flash Manager Found I had to copy font file refsan.ttf to C:\windows\fonts directory If anyone else needs it unzip attachment below (end of post) and stick it in directory above if you get the "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation." error in OFM when interacting with OFT Database Format (non-editable) and BIN/HEX format (editable) tunes OFT Tablet’s are shipped with latest tune files in database (.dev) format you cannot edit or alter database or (.dev) format tunes If you want to download tunes in (.hex or .bin) format go to links above You can edit and modify .hex or .bin tune files you will need RomRaider and the matching Tune definition files. Always get this from the OFT site and NOT Romraider site (Github) as the OFT tunes contain a Patch for Launch Control and Flat foot (no lift) Shifting and need special definition files. The OFT can only ever have one type of tunes stored in a a time ie either BIN format or DEV database format at any one time, you can't have a combination of both. Tunes won't Load If tunes wont load make sure your not mixing types ie .dev and .bin, delete all the tunes in the 5 slots then try again. (No need to delete your original ROM in protected slot its in a special slot- only do that if you want to de-marry the OFT) Its normal to get "checksum Corrected" message on oft when loading new tune files, romraider does not correct all checksums. Common Problems Reading or Writing tunes to car 1. Check Car Battery volts, must be 12v or more or you may have issues. 2. Check cable connection to OBD port and OFT 3. Don't connect OFT to computer when trying to read/write tunes or diagnostics, connect to car only 4. See if diagnostics or ECU info read or logging will work, if that works ECU is ok and connection is OK 5. If diagnostics, ecu info or logging works and you cannot read/write its likely car battery volts low or ECU has been locked by ecutek or brzedit tune system. 6. If OFT is blank when connecting to car check car OBD fuse, see if OFT will power up connected to computer. 7.Make sure you have selected correct vehicle type in OFT setup ie BRZ/86 or FRS , also try the alternate option, but make sure its not set to BMW or Mazda. 8. Make sure Ignition is full on not just accessory, but engine NOT running. Still problems read here http://www.ft86club.com/forums/showthread.php?t=99171 How to load bin tunes see tutorial below [ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=92SV3VpV_1E"]Uploading Files to Tablet - YouTube[/ame] Updating the OFT Firmware and OpenFlash Manager (OFM) Software. Note : The OFT website does not force update of webpages to your browser so you may get OLD versions of downloads unless you CLEAR your Browser Cache or force direct read with "Control-Refresh" If the Auto update fails download the Openflash Manager (OFM) software direct from openflash site downloads page. Delete the C:\Openflash directory and reinstall OFM from scratch, then plug in OFT and let it update. Dont forget to update the "template" file from Openflash downloads site as well The OFT Guys release updates quite often, its a good idea to connect your OFT to Your PC connected to the internet and start Open Flash Manager software every few weeks so the OFT can get its updates. also check on the OFT downloads page for Updates to Open Flash Manager, New Template files (if your logging screen look weird after an update), new tunes ect. Which TUNE should I run and what Mods are supported Check the file called "release notes" in the zip file for the tunes you download from the site . Rough guide OTS Map Requirements: Stage 1- For vehicles equipped with original header. Other exhaust modifications also compatible. Stock airbox (with or without aftermarket drop-in panel filter) also recommend. Premium grade fuel or fuel as specified by tune. Stage 2 - For vehicles equipped with aftermarket catted headers. Other exhaust modifications also compatible. Stock airbox (with or without aftermarket drop-in panel filter) also recommend. Premium grade fuel or fuel as specified by tune Stage 2 +- For vehicles equipped with aftermarket cat-less headers. Other exhaust modifications also compatible. Stock airbox (with or without aftermarket drop-in panel filter) also recommend. Premium grade fuel or fuel as specified by tune 91 (USA) octane or better required for 91 octane tunes 93 (USA) octane or better required for 93 octane tunes OFT V4 tunes set IAM initial to 0.7 - OFT V4 tunes are for 91/93 fuels they will run best on 93 or above fuels Its ok to use a higher octane than specified by the tune but not a good idea to use a lower octane fuel than specified by the tune. E85 required for tunes labeled E85 (ie fuel with 60 to 90% ethanol content) Exception for Stock cars running E85 use Stage 2 E85 EL header tune http://www.ft86club.com/forums/showthread.php?t=67310 Editing/modifying OFT Tune files (note OFT/OFM does not seem to play well with USB 3.0 ports best to use USB2.0 port or hub) OFT Tune must be in BIN format and not DEV format. You will need RomRaider and the definition files for your tune see the links above, get these from Openflash website. Its normal to get "checksum Corrected" message on oft when loading new tune files, romraider does not correct all checksums. Do NOT use the Definitions from the RomRaider (Github) site with openflash tune ROMS, and the definitions MUST match the tune revision. Definitions for 1.5X OFT tunes are NOT the same for V2x OFT tunes or OFT V3 tune or OFT V4 tunes Its very important to use the definitions supplied by OPENFLASH on their downloads site specific to the openflash tune version you are using. If you use the standard romraider definitions from github to edit OFT tunes very bad things may happen, up to and including Bricking ECU Do not use TunePro or old definitions not specifically for OFT tunes Always open a couple of tables you are familiar with something like "Primary Open Loop Fuel Table" or "Base Timing B" make sure the axis's and the values look ok before you start editing. Reopen the tune after you finish and check a couple of tables just to be sure it all looks OK and check your work. If it looks weird or your are unsure don't flash the ROM. If you use incorrect definitions for your ROM type and revision when editing/modifying a ROM you will likely alter incorrect parts of the ROM code/tables, which can result in a hung ECU which may be unrecoverable. READ Info in link below on Romraider use http://www.ft86club.com/forums/showthread.php?t=79152 Instruction on RomRaider use see www.romraider.com Adjusting/Activating Launch control and Flat Foot (no lift) Shift parameters http://www.ft86club.com/forums/showt...launch+control (Only for Manual vehicles)Note : OFT ROM's have a special patch for these functions use the definition files from the www.openflashtablet.com website downloads page Launch Control -LC Basically a second RPM limiter that is active when the vehicle speed is below the threshold speed set regardless of clutch in/out. Launch control Disable speed = speed at which Launch RPM is disabled (ie you revert to normal red-line RPM limit 7600) default = 6mph (aprox 10KmH) Launch Control RPM Delta = Amount to subtract from your Red-line RPM to get you Launch RPM e.g. if LC RPM Delta = 3600 your Launch RPM will be 7600-3600 = 4000 RPM To disable Launch Control set LC RPM Delta = 0 Flat Foot (no lift) Shift -FFS Is Another RPM limit activated when the Clutch is depressed (it does not monitor that the throttle is flat or 100%) for this reason it can activate on downshift. Flat Foot Shift RPM Delta = Amount to subtract from your Normal Red-line RPM to get FFS RPM limit eg if you set FFS Delta = 2000 your FFS RPM limit will be 7600-2000= 5600 RPM so when up-shifting with foot on accelerator RPM will be limited to 5600 RPM as soon as you depress clutch even though your foot is on accelerator. Note its does not need the accelerator/throttle to be 100% or flat to activate its activated of Clutch switch only. This can sometimes cause issues on downshifts if you set the RPM to low for Flat foot shift. To disable FFS set Delta to 0 (zero) in the table FFS RPM Delta using Romraider Pedal Dance Mode - Completely Deactivate Traction/Stability control - Use with caution - recommended for Track Driving only Car MUST be at operating Temperature temperature before Pedal Dance Mode will work. ![]() Note Pedal Dance Mode completely disables almost ALL braking/stability/traction control functions this is far more than pushing the buttons on the center console does traction stabiliy is still partially active even after pushing these buttons -be warned - for track use only EBD- Electronic Brake-force distribution is disabled ICE Mode Braking is still active All Traction Control disabled All Stability control disabled Panic Brake function disabled Electronic Diff or Auto Limited slip diff function disabled No emergency re-engage of traction/stability systems at speeds over 140kmh if system detects slide/loss of traction ABS - Anti lock braking still active http://www.ft86club.com/forums/showthread.php?t=85396 Pedal dance mode is an automated method of doing this http://www.ft86club.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25494 Tune Changes Required to convert OFT tune for use with Crawford Billet Power Blocks BPB http://www.ft86club.com/forums/showthread.php?t=71285 Tune Calibration ID or tune type identifier The last letter of the calibration ID is your ROM type identifier Eg ZA1JB01C the C identifies the ROM type C= USA/Canada , G=Europe/Australia, ect The preceding 3 numbers or letters indicate the Revision number Eg B01C Your car may have come with 700,900,A00,A01,B00,B01 ect. Latest is D00 Why is my Tune Calibration ID different from my stock ROM or in OFT/OFM The Tablet always has a copy of your original ROM in the protected Slot. It will only load tunes of the same ROM type into your car ie the last letter of ROM calid must match. OFT tunes are generally based on the latest ROM revision for your ROM type. For USA/Canada type = C eg ZA1JB01C or ZA1JA01G for Europe/Australia/South Africa 1.5X tunes based on A01 revision 2.0X tunes based on B01 revision so depending on where you look you may see the revision change but the type number should not change. Dealer Visit Options - see also section below on Marrying/un-marrying OFT When you flash back your stock map with OFT its 100% stock byte for byte original, no license info no differences. More info see here http://www.ft86club.com/forums/showthread.php?t=68328 Best option: Use OFT to flash back your stock map from protected slot 1 - this is your original ROM and is 100% stock, before you visit dealer. Don't ERASE your OFT yet with OFM , then you have two options 1. If Dealer flash's you a new map you can keep it by then ERASING your OFT with OFM then marry it up to the new map OFT flashed by dealer. (dealers will usually indicate in service documentation if they re-flash) i.e read new updated map into your OFT after the ERASE of OFT like the first time you used it. 2. Don't erase OFT and flash back your old stock map still in your oft, overwriting the new map flashed by dealer if you don't want it for some reason or just flash your tuned ROM back if the dealer did not do a re-flash. If you need the new stock map I have posted up the latest ones at the end of the Tactrix thread see links below or contact the OFT guys and they have all the stock maps. http://www.ft86club.com/forums/showthread.php?t=62332 Marrying and Un-marrying OFT Before you can use you tablet you have to upload your original ROM from your car into tablet. this is stored in Tablet to marry it to your car. If you want to un-marry the OFT the CURRENT owner MUST write back the original tune to their car from the protected slot in the OFT as the OFT checks the VIN number. The new owner cannot do this step. It must be done on the CURRENT owners car. If you want to un-marry the OFT the CURRENT owner must perform step 1 1. Flash back your original tune in the first protected slot 2. Connect OFT to PC running Open Flash Manager software connected to Internet and ERASE OFT. Apparently after 5 Erases you have to contact/email Openflash guys (with the OFT serial number ) to reset the erase count. Note this is a count of erasing of the entire OFT not tune files you can erase/load tune files as much as you like. After Original tune is written back to CURRENT owners car and the OFT is erased its free to marry up to another vehicle note they can be used on BMW Porsche and Mazda vehicles, or its free to marry up to a new flash the dealer may have done. [ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=5tYRpJqTECk"]OFT Multi-vehicle support - YouTube[/ame] The Screen is not responding correctly or hard to select options Go to the main menu select feature then calibrate screen option, use a stylus to calibrate screen not your finger, all should be ok after calibration. Rotate Screen 180 degrees Go to the main menu select feature option then rotate screen option, your done .. Deleting Data Log files and Removing corrupted log files Deleting old log files can be time consuming as OFT wants to load each log first. I have found you can go to Delete button and use it while log is loading to delete the log quicker. If you get a corrupted log file the another member here found a good solution . Make a small log, then save it as same name as the corrupted log, OFT will prompt to overwrite old log say yes, old log file gone. now you should be able to delete the new log with same name. If all else fails then you could always write back you stock ROM to car and the do a total erase of OFT (see info on marrying/DE-marrying OFT). Note this will use up your erase count just contact OFT guys to reset erase count if it wont erase. The Screen has gone white This is caused by the power to OFT going off/on/off/on in quick succession when your plugging OFT into OBD port. Just unplug oft leave for 15 sec then plug back in try not to wiggle cable when inserting, just push it straight in. You can also get this if you plug in OFT to computer and the Openflash Manager software is not running. Its best to wait till computer has booted up and OFM software is running before connecting OFT. I got a CEL light/code after Flash As the OFT like most flashing devices turn off communications to other computer in car when flashing. you will sometimes get a CEL code or light after a flash. Generally this is not a problem just clear it and move on. they are generally communication CEL code Uxxxx or code related to Auto Transmission computer. if it persists investigate. CEL Code reading clearing - OFT only reads Engine ECU CEL OFT will read and clear CEL or Engine check light code. Note the OFT only reads Engine ECU codes it won't read Body computer or Auto Transmission codes. so it possible to get a CEL light and OFT says "No Codes" however it will clear all codes I believe. to read the other codes suggest you get Techstream and suitable adapter or a cheap ELM327 Bluetooth adapter and Android Torque app Driving Performance Monitoring - Lateral G - Acceleration G - Deceleration G - Yaw (drifting!) - Brake pressure - Steering wheel angle - Individual tire air temperatures (if sensors fitted) - Individual wheel speeds - Individual wheel spin see links here for more info http://www.ft86club.com/forums/showthread.php?t=91170 http://www.ft86club.com/forums/showthread.php?t=92186 Tuning Alerts and Alarms You can configure up to 3 different Tuning Alerts. And each Tuning Alert can have up to 4 conditionals that can be set as an OR or AND condition. For available channels, it will be a subset of the up-to-14 channels you configured for data logging/viewing. When conditions are met alarm will sound and OFT screen will Flash Thread here http://www.ft86club.com/forums/showthread.php?t=81208 Specific info here http://www.ft86club.com/forums/showp...5&postcount=10 Some example tuning Alerts These are pretty useful to alert you to problems with your car suggested settings for tuning alerts. You can have three Alerts and each alert can consist of 4 parameters configured to trigger alarm if All (AND) or one (OR) condition is met. Alert A (over temperature) Coolant Temp > 207 F Oil Temp > 250 F Select OR at bottom of screen Alert B ( knock alert & Fuel Trim alert) For E85 suggest -1 for Petrol may -2 FLKC < -1 Knock Correction < -1 IAM < 0.9 LTFT > +10 LTFT < -10 Select OR at bottom of screen (Note OFT V4 petrol tunes use IAM initial set at 0.7, so you will need to set IAM alert level to 0.6 for OFT V4 petrol tunes) I set the fuel trim alert as Im on E85 and it will alert me to excessive fuel trims due ethanol content changes or someone accidentally filling up with petrol, it will also alert you of exhaust or intake leaks. Alert C running lean alert you might have to tweak AFR for petrol/E85 try 13 for E85 12.5 Petrol RPM > 5000 Engine Load > 1 AFR > 13 Select AND at bottom of screen You will need Template 8.2 of later and OFM version 1.21.0 or later Dont use TUNEBOT menu it may not work correctly Use Diagnostics or ECU info to log not TUNEBOT menu Multiple Data Logs -up to 20 named logs and 400 minutes in total http://www.ft86club.com/forums/showthread.php?t=84224 http://www.ft86club.com/forums/showp...9&postcount=14 OBD Cable with Power switch so you can leave OFT plugged in and not drain battery Even though OFT will power down after a minute or so it will still continue to draw some power. If left for several days it may drain your battery. Use OBD extension with inline power switch , see below see post here http://www.ft86club.com/forums/showp...0&postcount=11 <div id="ame_noshow_post_1494637924_4" style="display: none;"> Template Files are different between OFT V1 and OFT V2 hardware - Template file below is for OFT V1 only Last edited by steve99; 10-19-2018 at 07:45 AM. Reason: OBD power switch info |
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I think there also needs to be a very basic unbox the OFT to flash a tune written tutorial, including simple instructions and pictures for rock-stupid Marines like me. Om paper, or at least a PDF. I did have a serious problem with the software that I now think was a failed C++ install. Some others have had problems as well. All of them have had easy and simple resolutions, but I think that should be included.
I know it makes me sound old, but not having written instructions from start to finish really bugs me. "See Youtube video" for help sucks ass, always. I'd be happy to try to write something suitable for my "big fucking hammer" level of sophistication. Really, the lack of clear, A-B-C written documentation really bugs me. Half of the trouble posts could go away with a step-by-step checklist. |
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You're saying after I erase my OFT, I can marry it to another car? If so? How? I still have an OFT for the N54 BMW's. Would love to unmark it and flash the BRZ. |
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If it is unmarried you can just update with the most recent open flash manager and marry to your brz I believe. Contact them or scour their site. I seem to recall this being part of a past update.
I'm done helping those who won't help themselves.
TL;DR: ![]() -Duke |
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carn't see it would be different for changing makes/models supported but just contact the OFT guys to be sure. make sure you have the latest OFM software on openflash site and update oft to latest firmware ![]() |
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I've been following this sub forum for a while now (and props to Steve99 for his contributions for Aussies and his bit on knock correction for Aus fuels despite me having no idea what he's on about).
![]() I'm still on the fence on getting the OFT due to the below though and I was wondering if you guys could help out. 1) scepticism on actual improvement over stock (with the updated ECU factory firmware, most DI and RPM idle issues are resolved) and the placebo effect of people feeling a difference of 10 whp. Other responses of "revving smoother" and "feeling better" also trip alarm bells. 2) unsure about long term ramifications to engine from the tune with our Aus fuel even on 98 Octane. Would I need to go with the 91 tune or the 93? It seems that RON 98 = AKI 93 but other alternative calculations peg our RON 98 at around AKI 91-92. And if I use the 2.01 OFT 93 tunes will I need to do further correction for our Aus fuel to prevent knock. 3) have no idea on how to read data logs or what I'm looking at. I might as well be reading a menu in hieroglyphics. Hence I don't like to purchase things or mod the car in a way I don't understand. Also if I don't want flat foot shifting or launch control (unnecessary with a car of 200bhp), are these loaded automatically or can they be dialled out with the included bundled OFT manager software? Thanks again. |
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Even my wife who drives like a nun hates the car on the stock tune , recientlyhad scheduled service and went to stock tune, her comment was whats wrong with the car. Its a noticable and measurable improvement throught rpm range. With the new 91 and 93 tunes we should be sorted in OZ now run 91 tune on 98 rom or run united 100ron if you want to run the 93 tune. You would be supprised how much knock goes on with the stock tune on 98ron in OZ. Even the 93 tune is better than stock one for knock |
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Ok guys,
Looks like you can't cross platform flash. I still have the BMW OFT Logo, vs what I'm assuming an FT86 logo. I'm running OpenFlash Manager 1.10 for the FT86 and it doesn't even recognize the BMW. I'll try a erase using the old software and see what happens EDIT: I'll try contacting Shiv and see what they say about this. Update 2: NVM, Looks like I just needed to reinstall the software. Do a erase then install the FRS/BRZ Update SLT Template. Last edited by cookiesowns; 07-31-2014 at 01:57 AM. |
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Thanks guys. If even the missus notices a big difference then that's as good as an endorsement as any. Looks like I'll wait for the V2.0 OFT to be released for international markets and take the plunge. Never noticed knock on stock tune or maybe my ears aren't sensitive enough.
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Does anyone know anything about D00C calibrations? I'm not seeing any tunes with this Calibration. |
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Yes, you must have a brand new car D00C is the latest revision. ![]() You will need to talk to the openflash guys to see if OFT will load up a B01C tune over a D00C. You could see if the OFT will load a B01C as that the previous revision. If it won't then the OFT guys will have to allow the OFT to flash it, they have done similar before. |
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