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Old 12-09-2019, 05:52 PM   #29
Stephen W.
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Originally Posted by Tcoat View Post
So extortion?
Much over reaction.
It is a couple of revs for Christ sake. They didn't take it into a demolition derby.
Bunch of whiny little prissys.
NO, not an over reaction. A measured response to the way the business owner treated a customer's car.
It doesn't matter if it was a couple of revs or some other mistreatment. It was not his car. He should treat it and his customer with respect.
I have had personal experience with a$$hats that have cost me time and money because of similar "I don't give a crap, it's not mine" attitudes. For example:
I had taken my car in for service. After I picked it up I noticed it didn't run as good. A week later I pulled the plugs and three where fouled badly. I also noticed it was down on oil. I kept records and found that it was now using/burning a lot of oil. Every time I'd put my foot into it there were puffs of blue smoke. I took it back to have this problem looked into. I was told that the motor was about gone and I'd have to pay for an engine rebuild. The car was under warranty so I tried to get GM to cover it. While I waited a couple of days for the GM service rep to make a decision I heard a story. It appears that mechanics at a GM dealer were using customer's cars for running around and would drag race one another. One of the cars fit the description of my car. The story placed this around the time I had my car in for that first service. It turned out that my engine problem was caused by one of those mechanics missing a shift while racing my car. It had nothing to do with me. There was an investigation and GM came good for the engine which was done at another dealership. Oh and that first dealer ended up losing their GM franchise.
I stand up for my rights and I encourage others to do the same.
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Old 12-09-2019, 05:58 PM   #30
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Super disrespectful and at least as unprofessional. I wouldn't make a big thing out of it, but I wouldn't go back either *shrug*.

Hell, I don't hand my keys over to just anybody anymore... I've got my local shop, the dealership, and that's about it (I'm not really into mods, mind you). People don't know how to drive stick "these days", and a good few times I've heard undercoating etc guys revving the shit out of my car and burning the clutch just trying to get it on the damn lift. One time I went over to the counter and offered to drive it on myself, because I was about to chew a hole in my fucking cheek!
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Old 12-09-2019, 07:04 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by StraightOuttaCanadaEh View Post
In all seriousness, if it bothers the OP, he should casually mention it to the owner, something like "hey so I saw you guys revving it and bouncing it off the limiter, you probably shouldn't do that". If the owner replies "shit man, sorry, you're right, we're just car guys and get excited, won't happen again" then it's all good. If it's some snarky reply, or any indication that the owner is failing to understand why this is important to the OP, proceed with the negative google review and don't go there. The business lost will be ample punishment I think.
Best answer so far. Modern cars warm up pretty efficiently so there was probably no harm done. It's also in Ontario though so I guess you guys are like in the 30-40 F amp. temp. range right now.
In FL where we are like in the 70s currently, I wouldn't have really dwelt on it much. Doesn't it take like 20+ minutes to get to operating temp in that cold though?

If the guy is apologetic, then let it slide but still let what happened reflect in a review but if he shrugs it off, let him have it.

But... @Stephen W. made a good point though. Later down the line if some issues come up with the engine it will always be that thought this incident this caused it or just exacerbated it greatly.
This went through my mind when I bought mine with 3.9k miles on the odometer but it was a risk I knew of. That's why this is a rotten situation, it's just some jerkhole doing it and not the previous
or current owner who had/has the right to do so.

@Tcoat also brings up a good point with his Stretch Armstrong gif. That would make a simple fun gift for Christmas and it's cheap too:
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Old 12-09-2019, 08:55 PM   #32
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Chances of damage? No.

Publicly shame them on social media so they offer a full refund? Yes.

To everyone saying "no big deal", stay beta.
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Old 12-09-2019, 09:13 PM   #33
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millennial here.

mechanically it's no big deal. the motor will be be fine.

customer-service-wise, it's a respect issue. it boils down to 'if he doesn't respect others enough to treat their property nice, does he respect his job enough to do a good job?'

the only way to determine that is to talk to the guy.
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Old 12-10-2019, 08:55 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by soundman98 View Post
millennial here.

mechanically it's no big deal. the motor will be be fine.

customer-service-wise, it's a respect issue. it boils down to 'if he doesn't respect others enough to treat their property nice, does he respect his job enough to do a good job?'

the only way to determine that is to talk to the guy.
Oh come on now. All the other highly intelligent and rational responses have convinced me that this is wrong.
Obviously the car has been totally destroyed. They are made of glass and two high revs when only 85% warmed up spell doom. The least they should do is ship it back to Japan for a full tear down and engineering review to determine the level of damage. The shop could also just buy a brand new car to replace it since god knows that it would never have had the engine revved while cold during the transportation process.
The lack of respect by the shop needs Imeadiate and extreme action from the internet. Simply talking to the guy and expressing your concern is such and old fashioned Boomer thing that the whole concept is out dated and is what has ruined the world. Those two revs were such an insult that it is easily the equivalent of spitting in the OP's face while kicking his dog and screwing his wife in front of him. It requires a pound of flesh as reprisal to teach him that messing with such important people will result in extreme retribution. This is the OP's opportunity to get some free shit since he is so totally entitled to it for the slap on the face he received.
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Old 12-10-2019, 09:45 AM   #35
ROFL it's Waffle
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Originally Posted by Tcoat View Post
The lack of respect by the shop needs immediate and extreme action from the internet.

<in a Nepoleon Dynamite voice> That's what we are TRYING to do, GAWD!
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Old 12-10-2019, 09:51 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by ROFL it's Waffle View Post
<in a Nepoleon Dynamite voice> That's what we are TRYING to do, GAWD!
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Old 12-10-2019, 02:00 PM   #37
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Revving after 10 mins idle from cold start

Ok so if I remember correctly why this thread started, the OP took his car in for ceramic coating right? Nothing engine related, no tuning or engine mods being added. (Even then the car should be properly warmed up before zinging to redline)
Anybody that says they would be ok with a detail shop doing that to your car is lying, or you don’t care about your possessions. Bringing it up with the shop manager seems perfectly acceptable. I mean it’s possible their employee’s foot slipped, or he didn’t realize it’s a manual transmission in Neutral, or he has seizures and leg spasms. AT THE VERY LEAST it shows you took some action. Let the shop manager take it from there, this might not be the first time this dude has done this. Speaking up for yourself, your family, or the things you spend a lot of money on (like your car), is never wrong.
A sort of related story, after we purchased our home I noticed a blue minivan that never seemed to move from its spot on our front street. I asked some neighbors and they all kind of shrugged like “yeah it’s been there a while, what can you do?!” I documented how long it was sitting there without moving, took pictures of the flat tire and the way out of date registration sticker, and contacted the police. That MF’ing van had big orange stickers slapped on it, then it was towed away. And there wasn’t an eye sore on our street.
My moral of the story, speak the f*** up and don’t be afraid to take a stand. And yeah you might have to put a little effort into it.

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Old 12-10-2019, 06:12 PM   #38
Not funny
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Originally Posted by Tcoat View Post
"Turbo all cars"
"Tune, header E85 rocks"
"Wider wheels are bestest"
"Redline every shift"
Drive it like it is meant to be driven"
"OH MY GOD they idled and revved it? CRUCIFY THEM!!!!"

For crying out loud people it is just a car. A few minutes idling and a couple of revs isn't going to hurt it. Some of these responses are just plain stupid.
To me, someone hopping in my car and redlining it for no reason is like someone slapping my girlfriend's ass.

Originally Posted by Yoniyama View Post
To me, the FT-86 is a 85% complete package. The driver is supposed to fit the last few items in accordance with his personal preference. As stock, it shows potential, but distinctly deficient and cries out for the 'finishing touch'.
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Old 12-10-2019, 07:52 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Tcoat View Post
The lack of respect by the shop needs Imeadiate and extreme action from the internet.
you're absolutely right.


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Old 12-10-2019, 07:54 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by ElijahF View Post
To me, someone hopping in my car and redlining it for no reason is like someone slapping my girlfriend's ass.

is your girlfriend a news reporter by chance?

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Old 12-11-2019, 09:01 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by ElijahF View Post
To me, someone hopping in my car and redlining it for no reason is like someone slapping my girlfriend's ass.


Not really sure how not being concerned about a couple of revs or advocating talking to the shop in a reasonable manner before acting became a generational thing but if we are going to randomly stereotype then I can play.

To make more prior statement clearer for the Millennials.

It isn't as if they spit in your oil scented beard while holding your manbun to force you to watch them violate the personal space of your blue haired non gender assigned personfriend.

Originally Posted by soundman98 View Post
you're absolutely right.



Much better. There is obviously no room for reasonable thought and actions on this forum. It must be all or nothing.
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Old 12-11-2019, 09:56 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by Tcoat View Post
"Turbo all cars"
"Tune, header E85 rocks"
"Wider wheels are bestest"
"Redline every shift"
Drive it like it is meant to be driven"
"OH MY GOD they idled and revved it? CRUCIFY THEM!!!!"

For crying out loud people it is just a car. A few minutes idling and a couple of revs isn't going to hurt it. Some of these responses are just plain stupid.
IMO it's not whether or not anything was damaged.. it's that the owner of a detailing shop did this at all. It's just inappropriate to do that to someone's car regardless of whether or not anything was damaged in the process. It was a completely unnecessary act.
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