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Old 07-07-2014, 08:32 AM   #1
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Lets Hear Some Drunk Time Stories...

Like the Title says!

Tell us a true drunken story you experienced; Funny, scary, disgusting, humilating, unexplainable etc.

Wether you remember the story or only know the story from someone telling you the story. We have all blacked out at least once. If you haven't, then you havent lived!!! (So not true).

I'll Start it off.

My story is a Humilating, shameful, disappointing one, also very short!

F.Y.I : sorry if my grammar is terrible.

Ill start with a little backstory, I joined the military in Sep 22, 2009, I was 19 throughout my basic military training (BMT). Graduated BMT, made it to tech school November thanksgiving weekend. My birthday for the big 2-0 came December 22 partied it up no alcohol of course, went to a stripclub had fun. The entire time in During tech school i had absolutely no alcohol. January 21 st me and my hotass girlfriend break up, I was pretty bummed out not happy but not depressed. A couple weekends Roll by, its now Feb 4th I believe, Im just playing forza 4 or 3 (cant remember) Drifting maple valley still kind of in a slump. My Roommate and friends all having a good time in the room bumping music drinking ( I told them at least 5x to turn it down or they're going to get caught up), I get asked, "hey bro!? want a shot?!" "Nah good dude thanks" I say. I say "Nah I'm good" about three more times and he still asks me so I'm like "Alright Fuck it!" "One Shot, wont hurt" (Let this be known This the only time my will has ever been broken so easily I still dont know why I did it). I take my one shot of Jack Daniels, and continue on with my Forza Drifting Beast Status . Then the hurt came I, shit you not one stupid freaking minute later a Military Training Leader (MTL) Walks in the room, hes cool with all of us but only thought he was coming up for loud music. I see him open our door and I just look back at my screen to keep on drifting! In my head I'm thinking "He's not worried about me I'm just playing my game" "I'm just chillin' in my soccer shorts and tank top and no shoes" "clearly he knows I'm not invovled, at least I hope." He says "WHAT!?! youre just going to keep sitting there playing your game?!? My friends tried to back me up and said "Sir he wasnt involved" "hes just playing the game" He didnt care. Before leaving the room I attempted to drink from the faucet as if water would Magically eliminate any traces of the alcohol, he takes us down to the "Day zero room" we're all sitting waiting for some kind of clue as to what's going to happen. We all looked at each other saying "we're good we're good just stay calm". I was so confident I was going to be good to go, I wasnt tripping at all. Not because my water cleansing but because 1 shot I dont look faded at all. Pfffft wrong, Security forces comes in, and with Breathalizers..."Fuck My Life"... Friends all take there test clearly intoxicated, now its my turn. I take my test and the two security forces guys look at each other like " Damn, well hes under-age so it still counts". We all get arrested, taken in to detainment rooms, get asked a few questions. We do our statements. Get taken back to our rooms 7am. Skipping all the lawyer stuff and extra duty work. Now were at the day I meet the Commander with one of the worst reasons to meet a commander for. Enter the room doing all military procedures. Now he tells me my punishment, Article 15 for under-age intoxication; forfeiture of half of A months pay, (so yeah that single shot of Jack Daniels cost me $723. Probably the most expensive shot or does someone have a one-upper?), administrative punishment for I cant remember how long.

If ANYONE is curious what my blood alcohol content was when I blew into that breathalizer it was


Rollbacks of June 2010 almost got me removed from the military, however my new commander from my 1st home base as a certified airman, saw that I had only done good since my tech school incident, he probably spoke to my supervisors also to see how I contributed to the shop and for whatever else reason. He redeemed me, wipe my slate clean, gave me a second chance, June 2010 rollbacks were no longer a problem.

I have learned from that mistake and I know second chances are never something you should take lightly cause they are not something that will happen everytime you mess up, and since then I have continued to better myself in the military and my career.

Ok so I thought it was going to be short, and it was really a drunk story but there was alcohol in the incident lol
Did I really just fail on my Own post?!

Try to keep it to One Story in PER Post.

I want this to be an interesting read! Drunk stories are always CRAZY to hear about.

Alright Guy and Girls Lets hear YOUR stories...
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Last edited by FRS_FIEND; 07-10-2014 at 04:53 AM.
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Old 07-07-2014, 12:26 PM   #2
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Went to a big football school. Up until then I didn't drink. My first night drinking, we played every game imaginable with the now banned 4 loko. Being a lightweight, I was done after the 2nd can. I black out and wake up spooning with my best friends and random girl in the middle of us. Before I know it, I'm hearing screams of fans and the ESPN college gameday song. I stand up and the camera pans to me and I have the worst hangover face imaginable. All my friends back at home blow up my phone saying I was on national tv. Thank god my parents didn't see me.
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Old 07-07-2014, 01:41 PM   #3
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Sounds like Biloxi. Good times man. I miss that place. You got VERY lucky for being retained. They kicked out a lot of my unit's best people because they've gotten in trouble once or twice. At the same time we are keeping all the shitbags that just have happened to keep their nose clean. I'm glad I didn't join until I was 21, I'd definitely be kicked out by now. haha

Anyway! Here's my story, I'll try to keep it short. Just graduated tech school and went home on leave. First time home since I've joined so first time back in about 9 months. My family has had a yacht for years and we decided to go to a place called Put in Bay. It is an island in Lake Erie that is pretty much only for partying. They have a big party called Christmas in July that is pretty insane and always a good time. The island has an entire square of bars around a park that are perfect for bar hopping all weekend and a few swim up bars and a lot of drunk hot women. It's sort of a mini vacation for us Ohioans so everyone has that "Spring Break" type of mentality, what happens on the island stays on the island kind of thing. I bring about 6 of my friends for the weekend and we dock the boat at said island.

First night on the island we go out to this swim bar and get blitz. One of my buddies already ran off with this hot chick he met at the bar. We never see him again the entire weekend until one hour before we had to leave on Sunday. He then filled us in on all his sexcapades. That's a WHOLE other story.

We go out to all the other bars on the island and party all night. I end running into one of my close friends and his older brother we used to party with. He buys us a bunch of trays of shots. We all take way too many because we're so excited to see each other out in the wild. As we're walking back to the boat I fall on a curb and my two front teeth puncture through my top lip and the two teeth fall out. I'm blacked out at this point and don't remember doing it. My dad flags down a rigshaw (yeah they have those lol) we all go back to the boat.

I wake up in the morning and my two teeth are missing. Quite a ridiculous thing to wake up to. They tell me the story including how they couldn't believe how I was able to walk across 4 boats that were rafted off each other to get back on our boat even after I couldn't walk across a curb.

I spend the rest of the weekend partying with my friends and telling random fellow partiers why my face is so fucked up lol It's a double edged sword however, plenty of women wanted to know what happened so it was a great ice breaker, but I definitely wasn't going to get any action since half of my top lip was dead flesh and I had to wait for it to fall off. Plus, I'm rocking the redneck teeth since there is not dentist on the island.

Last edited by Bg8780; 07-07-2014 at 03:24 PM.
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Old 07-07-2014, 01:51 PM   #4
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Thanks man yeah I stayed in a straight line since LOL Nah it was Sheppard in texas lol.

your story is crazy!Ii would lose my mind waking up to missing my front teeth!!

That spot sounds sick as fuck too! lol

also if you could edit out my story in your post that would be awesome Less clutter use the @username way its just as effective
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Old 04-15-2016, 05:27 PM   #5
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anyone got some stories?
Miyuki みゆき "Beautiful Snow" The Whiteout FR-S
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Originally Posted by KR-S 86 View Post
What are you talking about? You just killed one of the worst brands in history according to enthusiasts. People will be worshipping you like sheep.
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Old 04-15-2016, 05:39 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by MisterSheep View Post
anyone got some stories?
None that I can remember.
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Old 04-15-2016, 07:01 PM   #7
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I actually purchased and attempted to consume MD 20/20 once.

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The #1 most beneficial $$ you can spend on this car to go faster is seat time.
Quit trying to out think the engineers and just drive the car.
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Old 04-15-2016, 08:45 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by MisterSheep View Post
anyone got some stories?
OH god so, so, so many!
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Old 04-15-2016, 09:11 PM   #9
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I'll keep mine short and sweet.

Wife had started a new job that year (2014) where she started traveling all the time. So she set it up to be in Nashville in November (got a good friend there and we had been a few times, and we live in Tulsa), I bought us VIP tickets to see Mastodon, meet the band before the show, etc.

She gets so fucking blitzed before and during the opening acts, she can't stand up and gets us kicked out of the show before Mastodon comes on. $400 in tickets wasted, and her paying for my flight wasted.

Alcohol was a big part of ruining our relationship, myself included, within 6 months she has asked for a divorce and I moved out.
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Old 04-16-2016, 12:47 AM   #10
hey you, yeah you <3
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Drove hungover 240 miles. I was an idiot! Then realized i was almost to Oregon border... was on way to Monterey.

The night before i drank 20 beers, bottle of Jack, jameson and some mixed drinks.

Other time i was at bar with gf, got confused, took hand of stranger and took to truck for you know what.... then i saw her face and ran out.... it was some hippie girl. She kod in my truck. My gf then was pissed off and a few days later broke up. She least helped me drive hippie girl to her apt. I was freaked.

Final story.

Sky and I were drinking 4locos and Nuvo in her then big Ford V8 truck. We were parked near a river in the back roads near Davis. She complained it was chilly, so i turned on her truck heater (i was driver) and we got warm and fuzzy. 2-3 bottles later she gets the courage to sit on my lap, i hugged her and held her. We kissed a bit while "let the good times roll" by the Cars played softly. I was about to start my way on to a home run when i hit the accelerator, the truck redlined, bounced off the rpm and VvvvvvvVvvrooooooyuuuuuuuuyuuuuuummmm!!!!!!!!! It went...

Well, needless to say, i didnt go 4th base, i developed ED that night, and couldnt stop laughing at how scared i was at the sound the truck made. Every time id take Sky out from then on, id look at her and laugh uncontrollably. My International Political Economy professor kicked me out of class twice! for laughing....urhhghhhhuuuh

Our original plans were to spend the nighg in the truck. We woulda sobered up by then.

Anyway those are 3 of my 9 or so stories.

@OkieSnuffBox awwww
Got my TRD wheels and TRD louvers. Thanks!!!
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Old 04-16-2016, 01:21 AM   #11
Hit the road and I'm gone
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Night of my bachelor party. First marriage of two.

My two "best" friends take me out to S. Orange Blossom Trail in Orlando, which at that time was basically nothing but tittie bars from one end to the other. I enjoy several lap dances at no charge, once the girls find out that I am the bachelor/victim. After several hours, we leave; I haven't thrown up yet, so my "best" friend decides that he will solve that problem by driving in a tight circle in a parking lot. After about the fifth or sixth circle, I say "OK, better stop now!!!" I open the passenger's door and leave my lunch, dinner and several drinks on the pavement.

Never did get that stripper's phone number, though.
Slip, slidin' away.
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Old 04-16-2016, 01:24 AM   #12
Hit the road and I'm gone
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Originally Posted by Packofcrows View Post
Drove hungover 240 miles. I was an idiot! Then realized i was almost to Oregon border... was on way to Monterey.
I did that once in New Jersey; took a wrong turn when exiting the Turnpike. Headed for Baltimore, but instead I ended up in Cape May. A couple of hours to get back and then another two hours to get home. Oy!
Slip, slidin' away.
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Old 04-22-2016, 05:06 AM   #13
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Was in SoCal for a D1GP event when I was like 17. Was with my cousin and two of his classmates. 1 was underage but both guys were rich. We are at a restaraunt and the legal guys go next door for a drink and realize the club wristbands are almost the same as our pit pass bands (basically just plain white). Say fuck it why not try and it works. Underage rich dude is having a blast and bought 3 or 4 bottles of Patron for us. Dancing and just being dumb (we were in a college town on a weekend. Lots of people having a good time) We all get hammered. Go back to the hotel and there is a party going on taking up the entire floor above us. It was the carryover of a conference taking place at the hotel. I go to sleep while they leave to check it out. Cousin comes back an hour or so later but the 2 rich guys go back out to meet up with some cougars they met. We get a call at 6:30AM the next day and they are on a plane back home in Sacramento. They still dont remember how they even got to the airport and ended up missing the whole race. They did have pics of the cougars though and one guy had a vid of him getting a BJ from one in our hotel bathroom. We didnt even know he came back to the room.

Welp, thats the best I got (that I'm willing to share at least...)

"Just like how a strut bar somehow enables you to corner 20MPH faster around a cloverleaf on-ramp, when the reality is, you can do it already but you just don't have to balls to do it." - CSG David
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Old 04-22-2016, 07:34 AM   #14
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Short story:

5 or 6 years ago, I (and everyone else) had way too much to drink at a simple gathering in a dark basement with a blacklight simply providing illumination. Just sat in a circle and passed bottles and bottles around, not caring what it was. I was getting sleepy but willed myself to stay awake.

The gay dude sitting next to me took the opportunity to give me a lap dance. I was trying to push him away but eventually said "fuck it, too tired and sleepy".

I don't recall what happened after that.
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Hey, you're the one asking me to shove a turbo engine in my pants.
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