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Old 04-02-2014, 03:34 AM   #28
I dream of BRZ
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Here is what I have to say:

Bullying is a funny topic because the word "bullying" is used ubiquitously to describe a whole range of activities. It ranges from simple name-calling to cases of physical assaults on an individual to give them a hard the very extreme cases of systematic and calculated group harassment where the targeted individual is subjected to an extremely hostile environment. Such cases of group harassment are instrumented to cause medical problems such as depression and anxiety disorder. @dem00n this is where I think you are wrong. Although I can understand that you may consider some of the simpler cases to definitely be overblown... that are some very extreme ones that you don't hear about which are meant to destroy an individual and the scars can last a life time if that individual does not get help. I am not talking just about kids in elementary and middle school. Bullying happens in high school, college and the adult world as well. Talking about such controversial issues is always a good idea because different people have experienced different things ( some you may not be aware of) and you learn more about the subject and gain their perspective.


Yes, things like a 11 year old bullying a 5 year old really amaze me. I mean they are very few things that can be considered more petty than that. a-near adolescent kid picking on a toddler or a kid barely out of that stage. However, it sounds like you have it under control and I am guessing this was not something that was repetitively? I think that kid may have just made a very stupid mistake but either way I think he will think twice before going near your 5 year old again.

I like how you called your own experience as "bullying"... as it never affected you. I mean, yes, we all face adversity in life... but that is not bullying. Bullying actually affects the person and invades their lives. It is an uncomfortable and a very negative experience for them.

Yes! wow! Believe it or not but i have the same exact views and I thought no one else saw it that way. We spend billions on going after people abroad... when we can't even protect our own kids from these "terrorists". I mean really...what is the difference?

Last edited by gt8613; 04-02-2014 at 04:03 AM.
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