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Bergen23 Bergen23 is offline


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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. Wes1x
    05-24-2015 10:08 PM
    Yea it was an awkward spot to get into was upsidedown laying half in half out of the car and was a pain to release the plug but once that was out was all good!
  2. Wes1x
    05-22-2015 11:41 PM
    Hey! Yea it just arrived today I ordered it online from Diode Dynamics was pretty straight forward to get it in. Absolutely love the tail lights! Thanks a lot again!
  3. Tcoat
    05-08-2015 08:02 AM
    Only bring out what comes naturally! Just imagine yourself in 30 more years.
    Actually it is surprising how much we agree on some things. Finding people that agree so often is pretty rare here.
  4. Koa
    05-07-2015 11:44 AM
    My car is STILL in the bodyshop after being rear-ended in March. So heated about it that I went awol from the club, haha :'(
  5. Tcoat
    03-25-2015 03:59 PM
    Butt, butt, butt I will be confused!

About Me

  • About Bergen23
    '15 Halo FR-S
    Ontario, Canada


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 11-05-2015 09:55 PM
  • Join Date: 12-10-2014


Showing Friends 1 to 2 of 2


01:00 AM - Deleted Posts
03:35 PM - MisterSheep mentioned Bergen23 in post "Come Race Me Bro" Encounters
...ore now. Its okay Bergen23 is just a bully. h...
08:58 PM - humfrz mentioned Bergen23 in post Perrin Cold Air Intake w/o inlet hose? about to push ol Bergen23 over the edge.....:c...
10:09 AM - Dadhawk mentioned Bergen23 in post i just realized... 2016 turbo 4cyl CAMARO vs FRS/BRZ else. I'm with Bergen23 on this one. At the...
11:36 AM - Bergen23 mentioned Tcoat in post Buyer's remorse. What do you guys think? driving. (as MR. Tcoat has covered in great...
10:05 PM - drewbot mentioned Bergen23 in post Tcoat banned?
Fuck Bergen23 I know I'm creepy ...
09:19 PM - Bergen23 mentioned Tcoat in post Tcoat banned? to just say that Tcoat is not exaggerating ...
10:15 PM - drewbot mentioned Bergen23 in post Work Meister
BRO Bergen23 Sent from my A0001...
04:14 PM - FatFree mentioned Bergen23 in post Open Flash Header Install Instructions/Video
...e that link in time Bergen23.... But I used a mi...
09:41 PM - Bergen23 mentioned Wayno in post AT Transmission Hard Shifting, check my video Wayno Downshift problem -...
11:37 PM - Bergen23 mentioned Freeman in post Tomei EL Headers and Perrin 3in exhaust and CEL
... Pretty much what Freeman said. Hope this all ...
12:44 PM - Bergen23 mentioned FT86POWER in post ECU mismatch, OFT
...was last flashed. FT86POWER no, there's no reaso...
12:55 PM - drewbot mentioned Bergen23 in post 2015 Ford Mustang / Shelby GT350 Official - 5.2L FPC with 500+hp/400+ lb-ft
...his thread based on Bergen23 commenting on the ga...
05:05 PM - drewbot mentioned Bergen23 in post Sh*t 86 Owners Say
This is what Bergen23 is gonna be doing wi...
03:17 PM - drewbot mentioned Bergen23 in post Sh*t 86 Owners Say
...ys here ***cough*** Bergen23 Scracho
10:17 AM - Bergen23 mentioned Ultramaroon in post Sh*t 86 Owners Say
...members ( Koa Tcoat Ultramaroon I'm looking at you g...
10:17 AM - Bergen23 mentioned Tcoat in post Sh*t 86 Owners Say
... some members ( Koa Tcoat Ultramaroon I'm look...
10:17 AM - Bergen23 mentioned Koa in post Sh*t 86 Owners Say
...ough some members ( Koa Tcoat Ultramaroon I'...
10:17 AM - Bergen23 mentioned SquadRogue in post Sh*t 86 Owners Say sense. Although, SquadRogue has to be a team eff...
08:10 PM - Bergen23 mentioned MAPerformance in post RTS: Sweet stuff, bro
...g Tapatalk Bruh, MAPerformance has convinced me tha...

Thread Tags

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11:54 AM - TofuJoe quoted Bergen23 in post AT Transmission Hard Shifting
I've been trying to find out ...
03:27 PM - Strife26 quoted Bergen23 in post e-bay q300 like catbacks
I got a spec d exhaust. Very ...
03:23 PM - Chad86 quoted Bergen23 in post Low Fuel Light.
Never had the gas light come ...
03:31 PM - ShibaYuki quoted Bergen23 in post Installed OFH but...
That a decision you will have...
08:28 PM - Bergen23 quoted protpibe in post Send a Canadian BRZ to SEMA
lol thanks, I appreciate it. ...
08:26 PM - protpibe quoted Bergen23 in post Send a Canadian BRZ to SEMA
Normally, I don't vote in thi...
12:20 AM - Bergen23 quoted D_Thissen in post Installed OFH but...
x2. You paid them for there "s...
12:08 AM - D_Thissen quoted Bergen23 in post Installed OFH but...
No, let them know that since ...
10:53 PM - Bergen23 quoted ShibaYuki in post Installed OFH but...
Will do. They said they're wil...
08:43 PM - Bergen23 quoted ShibaYuki in post Installed OFH but...
Wish I had the balls, or the r...
08:27 PM - ShibaYuki quoted Bergen23 in post Installed OFH but...
It's not about the money, it'...
08:17 PM - Bergen23 quoted swpbrz in post Buyer's remorse. What do you guys think?
I drive them both every day...
03:30 PM - synchromesh quoted Bergen23 in post "Come Race Me Bro" Encounters
What the fuck did I just read...
03:22 PM - MisterSheep quoted Bergen23 in post "Come Race Me Bro" Encounters
What the fuck did I just read...
03:21 PM - Bergen23 quoted synchromesh in post "Come Race Me Bro" Encounters
It wasn't really a racing encoun...
11:10 PM - stevesnj quoted Bergen23 in post stevesnj - 2016 Build thread
well, if you know better than...
11:04 PM - Bergen23 quoted stevesnj in post stevesnj - 2016 Build thread
I actually have LED headlight...
08:08 PM - ShibaYuki quoted Bergen23 in post Installed OFH but...
Could be. You should use new ...
11:38 AM - Tcoat quoted Bergen23 in post @tcoat appreciation thread
He's the least creepy old man...
11:06 PM - Bergen23 quoted in post Legal Question
Really loud as fuck? What ...

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