Senior Member |
Last Activity: 01-02-2025 10:20 AM
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iTrader Profile | Recent Ratings | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12-21-2024 |
01:47 PM - ZC6_STi quoted CrowsFeast in post OEM Aero - what was available? Almost looks like it's supposed... |
12-20-2024 |
10:02 AM - CrowsFeast quoted Luns in post OEM Aero - what was available? The front panels on the o... |
01-19-2023 |
09:26 AM - CrowsFeast quoted CSG Mike in post Element fire extinguisher? Take it in context, and learn... |
01-18-2023 |
07:35 PM - CSG Mike quoted CrowsFeast in post Element fire extinguisher? I think that test video shows y... |
10-13-2022 |
04:04 PM - CrowsFeast quoted DarkPira7e in post All of this work for a DIY alignment wasted I feel like I'm missing the poi... |
09-06-2022 |
10:29 PM - soundman98 quoted CrowsFeast in post Modify High Mileage 1st Gen or buy a new 2nd Gen Would getting the oil tested te... |
08-11-2022 |
09:44 AM - CrowsFeast quoted Zer0 in post Vorshlag wheel specs. Unfortunately most Bunny ... |
06-01-2022 |
11:03 AM - CrowsFeast quoted Wally86 in post Pitt Race Looks like a good time and a... |
05-31-2022 |
10:47 AM - NoHaveMSG quoted CrowsFeast in post To wing or not to wing Are there issues beyond the une... |
09:40 AM - CrowsFeast quoted NoHaveMSG in post To wing or not to wing The car is certainly faster wi... |
05-26-2022 |
09:40 AM - CrowsFeast quoted YCK in post Using Open End Lug Nuts/Center Cap Recommendations for Wedssport TC105X I painted the hub with v... |
05-25-2022 |
04:56 PM - CrowsFeast quoted Racecomp Engineering in post Camber plate recommendations The Verus plates work well too.
- Andr... |
04:55 PM - CrowsFeast quoted M0nk3y in post Harness mounting points I hope OP isn't planning on... |
05-20-2022 |
04:30 PM - Racecomp Engineering quoted CrowsFeast in post Camber plate recommendations I think I originally planned to... |
03:45 PM - Ohio Enthusiast quoted CrowsFeast in post Harness mounting points The argument that it supports i... |
03:17 PM - NoHaveMSG quoted CrowsFeast in post Harness mounting points That's the one I was thinking o... |
03:11 PM - CrowsFeast quoted Ohio Enthusiast in post Harness mounting points I'm no expert, but I came across the... |
03:08 PM - CrowsFeast quoted NoHaveMSG in post Harness mounting points A lot of them do, SCCA being o... |
03-25-2022 |
11:35 PM - Turfer quoted CrowsFeast in post SCCA T4 Build thread Maybe I missed something but wh... |
03:03 PM - Kelse92 quoted CrowsFeast in post SCCA T4 Build thread Holy closing speed! What was th... |