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go_a_way1 go_a_way1 is offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. Savoelh
    09-26-2018 01:31 AM
    Hey can you tell me about your Cobb 20g setup? How much psi are you running? Are you on e85? When does it begin to spool? Does the turbo carry through the whole rpm band?

    I have a precision 5558 journel bearing and thinking about down sizing due to the large amount of lag. It spools at about 5.5k.

  2. MisterSheep
    05-04-2016 07:06 PM
  3. MisterSheep
    05-04-2016 07:06 PM
  4. MisterSheep
    05-04-2016 07:06 PM
  5. MisterSheep
    05-04-2016 07:05 PM
  6. MisterSheep
    02-16-2016 05:39 PM
    I'm going to have so many damn notifications all from you now
  7. MisterSheep
    02-16-2016 05:38 PM
    This forum has been iffy with it's notifications for awhile now..
  8. MisterSheep
    02-16-2016 05:32 PM

About Me

  • About go_a_way1
    Heavily Modified FRS
    Calgary, AB
  • Signature
    Originally Posted by 1GiantTurtle View Post
    This thread got de-railed quick now it's just about Penis guitars


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  • Last Activity: 04-25-2020 10:43 PM
  • Join Date: 01-13-2015


Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 16


05:35 PM - MisterSheep mentioned go_a_way1 in post 10000 ways to get banned (forum game)
... I think afterwards go_a_way1's plan was to make p...
04:31 PM - MisterSheep mentioned go_a_way1 in post NorCal (Bay Area) OFF-TOPIC Chat Thread
...r Calgary? didn't go_a_way1 promise pizza?
04:26 PM - MisterSheep mentioned go_a_way1 in post Random Thoughts - Part Deux [NO POLITICS]
...if she.. "took out" go_a_way1?
02:18 PM - MisterSheep mentioned go_a_way1 in post 10000 ways to get banned (forum game)
...s is on there twice go_a_way1 FIX THAT SHIT
01:49 PM - MisterSheep mentioned go_a_way1 in post 10000 ways to get banned (forum game)
...rselves. No wonder @go_a_way1 isn't updating anymo...
12:46 PM - Tectoniic mentioned go_a_way1 in post Random Thoughts - Part Deux [NO POLITICS]
... when someone bumps go_a_way1 's thread and he isn...
06:04 PM - MisterSheep mentioned go_a_way1 in post Driven Calgary here/going? @go_a_way1 good luck getting ...
04:34 PM - Atticus808 mentioned go_a_way1 in post Driven Calgary
...yone here/going? go_a_way1
07:11 PM - MisterSheep mentioned go_a_way1 in post Random Thoughts - Part Deux [NO POLITICS]
... banned/destroyed.. go_a_way1 would back me up.. I...
05:37 PM - p1l0t mentioned go_a_way1 in post Random Thoughts - Part Deux [NO POLITICS]
...hread :P Congrats! go_a_way1 GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOOO...
01:14 PM - p1l0t mentioned go_a_way1 in post 10000 ways to get banned (forum game)
... the OP since 528!! go_a_way1 Sent from my SM-G9...
11:44 AM - MisterSheep mentioned go_a_way1 in post $65,000 (CAD) Turbo FR-S
...her Canadians Tcoat go_a_way1 translate $65,000 CA...
02:26 PM - p1l0t mentioned go_a_way1 in post 10000 ways to get banned (forum game)
677) thinking that go_a_way1 won't be made a mod ...
01:24 PM - p1l0t mentioned go_a_way1 in post 10000 ways to get banned (forum game)
675) beating go_a_way1 necro record Sent f...
01:17 PM - p1l0t mentioned go_a_way1 in post Dear Toyota,
...m's record? I hope! go_a_way1 victory is mine! Se...
12:31 PM - LOLS2K mentioned go_a_way1 in post 10000 ways to get banned (forum game) what happened to go_a_way1
01:25 PM - MisterSheep mentioned go_a_way1 in post Random Thoughts - Part Deux [NO POLITICS]
...what got to do with go_a_way1's new job I had a ...
03:33 PM - MrFisty mentioned go_a_way1 in post Random Thoughts - Part Deux [NO POLITICS] that taste? go_a_way1 I promise I haven't ...
06:42 PM - Tectoniic mentioned go_a_way1 in post Forced Induction or upgrade car?
for @go_a_way1 :popcorn: OP, do som...
06:39 PM - go_a_way1 mentioned MisterSheep in post Random Thoughts - Part Deux [NO POLITICS]
...a lateral movement. MisterSheep Going to miss having...

Thread Tags

02:24 PM - go_a_way1 tagged WingZer0 in thread 10000 ways to get banned (forum game)
02:23 PM - go_a_way1 tagged Leonardo in thread 10000 ways to get banned (forum game)
02:23 PM - go_a_way1 tagged echo419 in thread 10000 ways to get banned (forum game)
02:23 PM - go_a_way1 tagged KR-S in thread 10000 ways to get banned (forum game)
02:23 PM - go_a_way1 tagged MisterSheep in thread 10000 ways to get banned (forum game)
02:23 PM - go_a_way1 tagged Tcoat in thread 10000 ways to get banned (forum game)
09:16 AM - go_a_way1 tagged KR-S in thread max "potential" NA power.
09:16 AM - go_a_way1 tagged Tcoat in thread max "potential" NA power.
09:16 AM - go_a_way1 tagged MisterSheep in thread max "potential" NA power.
09:15 AM - go_a_way1 tagged KR-S in thread Have you hit 200whp NA?
09:15 AM - go_a_way1 tagged MisterSheep in thread Have you hit 200whp NA?
09:15 AM - go_a_way1 tagged Tcoat in thread Have you hit 200whp NA?
09:14 AM - go_a_way1 tagged Tcoat in thread Estimated Max HP for a N/A setup.
09:14 AM - go_a_way1 tagged MisterSheep in thread Estimated Max HP for a N/A setup.
09:14 AM - go_a_way1 tagged KR-S in thread Estimated Max HP for a N/A setup.
09:13 AM - go_a_way1 tagged KR-S in thread Most effective ways to make a "fast" NA car
09:13 AM - go_a_way1 tagged Tcoat in thread Most effective ways to make a "fast" NA car
09:13 AM - go_a_way1 tagged MisterSheep in thread Most effective ways to make a "fast" NA car
09:03 AM - go_a_way1 tagged KR-S in thread Max NA HP on pump gas as of now?
09:03 AM - go_a_way1 tagged MisterSheep in thread Max NA HP on pump gas as of now?


03:13 PM - go_a_way1 quoted all4spl in post V8 Swap wiring questions
Where are you guys putting t...
12:00 PM - go_a_way1 quoted RJasonKlein in post Fitting an NT01 235/40/17 on a 17x7.5?
Can you tell me a little more ab...
12:28 AM - RJasonKlein quoted go_a_way1 in post Fitting an NT01 235/40/17 on a 17x7.5?
It should fit. I run them as a...
08:07 PM - go_a_way1 quoted bored@work84 in post Adjustable end links
I will be changing my stock suspe...
07:48 PM - go_a_way1 quoted Visitor.S in post AT Hard Shifting issues Poll
im have same issue and looking...
01:19 PM - go_a_way1 quoted Boomerang in post Random Thoughts - Part Deux [NO POLITICS]
Interesting... See Through ...
07:20 PM - finch1750 quoted go_a_way1 in post Random Thoughts - Part Deux [NO POLITICS]
Try Autodip. seems way better ...
06:55 PM - go_a_way1 quoted Evil Jesus in post Is there a grounding screw in the in-cabin fuse box?
Looking to install something an...
06:47 PM - ichitaka05 quoted go_a_way1 in post Random Thoughts - Part Deux [NO POLITICS]
Only way to real know is to tr...
06:43 PM - go_a_way1 quoted ichitaka05 in post Random Thoughts - Part Deux [NO POLITICS]
So they claim. Few of my friend...
04:20 PM - go_a_way1 quoted JohnnyK in post New here? Come say hi =)
I expected that. haha I am ...
03:37 PM - go_a_way1 quoted xP3RF3CTx in post Interesting situation calls for crafty solution. HELP NEEDED!
Hello fellow 86ers, This is m...
04:24 PM - go_a_way1 quoted Tor in post Not seeing the gain I expected. :-( What's going on?? **solved**
I can't... Living in Ger...
03:45 PM - Tor quoted go_a_way1 in post Not seeing the gain I expected. :-( What's going on?? **solved**
Just go FI lmao I can't... Li...
08:12 PM - soulreapersteve quoted go_a_way1 in post For those whose FRS/BRZ is their only vehicle
+1 I am in the same boat haha....
08:07 PM - go_a_way1 quoted soulreapersteve in post For those whose FRS/BRZ is their only vehicle
I'm too poor for a second vehicle (n...
07:41 PM - go_a_way1 quoted JD001 in post 10000 ways to get banned (forum game)
I always drive like that, ...
02:24 PM - go_a_way1 quoted Tcoat in post 10000 ways to get banned (forum game)
1931) For using metric uni...
02:57 PM - go_a_way1 quoted LOLS2K in post Random Thoughts - Part Deux [NO POLITICS]
I know what you mean. FI (n...
01:37 PM - LOLS2K quoted go_a_way1 in post Random Thoughts - Part Deux [NO POLITICS]
Nope. But that being said I do...

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