Conversation Between steve99 and AlaskanWarrior
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Hello everyone,
I have a small emergency. I filled up my gas tank with E85 without knowing what OFT tune to use (Like an idiot). My car is stock aside from a catback. Shiv sent me the tunes as I was shipped an older OFT not updated with the 2017 tunes. He sent me 4 tune files. None of the info mentioned anything about UEL vs EL headers and only one tune file has E85 in the name. Hopefully someone here received the same tunes as me and knows what I should be running?
Stage 1 v3.01 K00C.bin = he said is for stock header (not sure if ok with E85, what my car is currently flashed with)
Stage 2 v3.01 K00C.bin = he said is for catted
Stage 2+ E85 v3.01 K00C.bin = he said is for catless (also reads E85 in file name)
Stage 2+ v3.01 K00C.bin = he said is for catless (I'm guessing 91-93 gas)
Can you send me those tunes? I also have the 2017 86 and I emailed Shiv, but he won't respond. Which one is the 93 octane Stage 1? Or did Shiv say it works with 91 & 93?