Conversation Between Tcoat and Ajmitchell.ORL
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Thanks for the info! must have misread but i appreciate the advice
02-13-2020 09:15 AM
You may have misread something since I have never had a Varris hood. However... If I ever ran with a carbon fiber or fiberglass hood I would probably run pins. I would also make sure that the latch was perfectly adjusted so there was no movement at speed or excessive force needed to close it.
I have seen about 10 Twins with various different fiber hoods and over half of them had some sort of cracks or visible stress marks from not being adjusted right or flopping around in the wind.
Hey There,
I came across a Post where you were discussing hood fitment, and you also stated you were running a Varris hood with standard hood latch only? did you find that to be adequate for highway speeds? i recently received mine and i am debating hood pins at the moment. let me know!