Conversation Between MisterSheep and Decisis
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
I just shot you a text bro, my number is 925-895-4575
Hey Man sorry I've been MIA. Ahhh DVC, I remember those days... I went there for 3 years before I transferred in 2009. That's pretty close to me on Crow Canyon. I'm not too active on the forum here so here's my contact info.
Kevin Lee
(925) 858 9402
We can grab lunch or something on a weekday. I work from home 2-3 days out of the week so I'm around.
I work monday through friday 7:00am to 3:30pm and I am free after that. I'll be starting classes up pretty soon at DVC I'm usually free around 4pm. But I'm also headed to Tahoe on Wednesday the 5th through Sunday the 9th. I'm located basically down the road from you. I live close to Greenbrook elemetary school and charlottle wood middle school, in that area around there.
Yeah dude! I'm down to meet up. What's your schedule look like usually? I live close to Blackhawk, Danville
hey, i saw that you're from san ramon! I am too! We should meet up i would like to see ur 86