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JD001 12-02-2020 02:26 PM

Just for you @Irace86.2.0. We can talk vaccines, the uniqueness of each type and the complexities of ministering such things...

JD001 12-02-2020 02:41 PM

The UK has become the first country in the world to approve the Pfizer/BioNTech coronavirus vaccine, paving the way for mass vaccination.

Britain's medicines regulator, the MHRA, says the jab, which offers up to 95% protection against Covid-19 illness, is safe to be rolled out.

The first doses are already on their way to the UK, with 800,000 due in the coming days, Pfizer said.

Elderly people in care homes and care home staff have been placed top of the priority list, followed by over-80s and health and care staff

Irace86.2.0 12-02-2020 03:16 PM

The CDC has said that the vaccine will go to healthcare professionals first, but it did state that there are too many healthcare professionals for the first batch, so I am guessing it will go to frontline workers in care homes, SNF, assisted living facilities, ERs, ICUs and other critical care areas like the OR and cath lab, but we will see. Their recommendation is to make sure that we maintain our healthcare workforce, and the science suggests that healthcare workers are the most likely to transmit the virus in elderly communities through nosocomal infections. This is partially true because the elderly in these communities are more likely to isolate themselves and be successful at social distancing, but they need care providers to enter their bubble.

I believe stage 2 will focus on the elderly and perhaps children. Children are less likely to die, but more likely to transmit the virus because of poor PPE usage and because of other reasons that go into how they interact with other children and their environment. It also allows them to get back to school, which has compounding effects.

I believe adults 18 to 65 will get it last.

From what I have read from brief headlines, New York will be rolling out the vaccine mid month.

I have no idea if this thread will last, so here is a brief 101 on this vaccine:


The Pfizer/BioNTech Covid vaccine, which has an efficacy of almost 95%, has been authorised by the UK medicines regulator, making the UK the first western country to license a vaccine against the disease. The UK has 40m doses of this vaccine on order.

Remind me how this vaccine works …

The Pfizer/BioNTech Covid jab is an mRNA vaccine – a cutting-edge technology. The vaccine works by introducing into the body genetic material, called mRNA, that contains the instructions to make the so-called “spike” protein of the coronavirus.

In response to these proteins, the body’s immune pathways are activated – a response that offers protection should we encounter the virus itself.

Where is this vaccine manufactured?

The vaccine itself is manufactured at Pfizer plants in the US and Europe. Stocks for the UK will come from the company’s site in Puurs, Belgium, which has already begun churning out thousands of doses. This site will also act as a backup for the company’s site in Kalamazoo, Michigan to support supply in the US.

BioNTech also has production sites in Mainz and Idar-Oberstein, Germany for commercial supply of the vaccine, with a third site in Germany set to start manufacturing in 2021.

How is it going to be stored and transported?

The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, while exciting, brings logistical challenges. Among them, the vaccine must be stored and transported at about -70C.

To keep the vaccine at the required ultra-low temperature, the doses will be packaged with solid carbon dioxide and placed in reusable containers that resemble pizza boxes for shipping. Pfizer said that, unopened, these boxes keep the vaccine at the correct temperature for 10 days.

Once in the UK, the vaccine will be transported to vaccination centres – there they can be stored in regular medical refrigerators at 2C-8C for up to five days, or the shipping boxes can be topped up with dry ice every five days allowing the vaccine to be stored for up to 30 days.

The temperature of the vaccine will be carefully monitored at each stage of transport to ensure the doses do not become unstable and ineffective. However Pfizer has said the vaccine will be shipped on a “just in time” basis, meaning frozen doses are rapidly delivered to vaccination centres as needed.

Who will get the vaccine first?

Matt Hancock, the health secretary, has said he expects 10m doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to be available in 2020: the NHS has been told to prepare for the first doses to be given as early as next week.

While the government’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) put care home residents and care home workers at the front of the queue for a Covid vaccine, it is likely that NHS staff will be the first group to receive the Pfizer/BioNTech jab.

NHS officials say the decision is pragmatic and based upon the characteristics of the vaccine, with limits on the number of times it can be moved and its shelf life making it unsuitable for use in out-of-hospital settings.

What about the other Covid vaccines?

Both the Moderna mRNA vaccine, and the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine (which uses a harmless chimp cold virus to deliver genetic information from the coronavirus to human cells) have released phase 3 clinical trial results and are under review by the MHRA.

These jabs are also part of the UK government’s portfolio of potential Covid vaccine candidates, with 7m doses of the Moderna vaccine and 100m doses of the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine already secured.

These vaccines have a key advantage over the Pfizer/BioNTech jab – they do not need to be kept at -70C. Indeed the Moderna vaccine can be stored at -20C and is stable for up to 30 days at temperatures between 2C and 8C, while the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine can be stored between 2C and 8C for at least six months. That makes these vaccines easier to distribute to places such as care homes, prisons and patients’ homes.

How will these vaccines be distributed to the population?

There are several routes by which the vaccines will be distributed.

The first is via 1,560 community-based vaccination centres run by GPs, which will each dispense 200 to 500 jabs a day. In addition, some vaccines will be sent to hospitals to be administered to staff, while there are also plans for mobile inoculation units.

Mass vaccination centres are also in the process of being set up, with the NHS planning to use large venues such as football stadiums and conference buildings for the purpose. In Bristol, the military has been working to turn the Ashton Gate stadium into a vaccination centre, while it is thought the Cheltenham racecourse could follow suit. Such centres are expected to vaccinate up to 5,000 people a day.

Which vaccine will be distributed at each centre is unclear, but given the cold chain requirements of the Pfizer/BioNTech jab, it is unlikely this will be used at the mass vaccination centres or by mobile inoculation units. Instead, the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine, once approved, is likely to be the backbone of the UK’s mass vaccination programme.

Dadhawk 12-02-2020 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Irace86.2.0 (Post 3389804)
The CDC has said that the vaccine will go to healthcare professionals first, but it did state that there are too many healthcare professionals for the first batch, so I am guessing it will go to frontline workers in care homes, SNF, assisted living facilities, ERs, ICUs and other critical care areas like the OR and cath lab, but we will see. ...

That pretty much is how I've read it as well, with the first shipments in the US happening as early as 12/15 after the approval meetings on 12/10.

Not sure why they have to wait until then, geez, can't they do a virtual meeting and get this rolling at this point?

Tcoat 12-02-2020 03:25 PM

Around here I have already heard all the concerns that "It is going to change all of your DNA and mutations WILL happen".
I personally am hoping for invisibility but will take any decent power.

Going to pick up some property just in case they are correct!

JD001 12-02-2020 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Tcoat (Post 3389806)
Around here I have already heard all the concerns that "It is going to change all of your DNA and mutations WILL happen".
I personally am hoping for invisibility but will take any decent power.

Going to pick up some property just in case they are correct!

The property market in the UK has remained pretty stable. Perhaps early next year we may see some movement when the job losses start to bite.

As for the vaccine, I think that they should target key workers, people who can't work from home and schools.. then start to widen the net.

ScoobsMcGee 12-02-2020 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Irace86.2.0 (Post 3389804)

The thing I like about Irace is that if you get a soapbox within 20 meters of him, he gravitates toward it like a cat to an empty box. Thank you for the information, more seriously.

JD001 12-02-2020 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by ScoobsMcGee (Post 3389819)
The thing I like about Irace is that if you get a soapbox within 20 meters of him, he gravitates toward it like a cat to an empty box. Thank you for the information, more seriously.

Everyone needs a platform and as we all know a very good platform is very versatile and adaptable..

Spuds 12-02-2020 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Dadhawk (Post 3389805)
That pretty much is how I've read it as well, with the first shipments in the US happening as early as 12/15 after the approval meetings on 12/10.

Not sure why they have to wait until then, geez, can't they do a virtual meeting and get this rolling at this point?

Lol that is lightspeed for government stuff. I'm actually surprised to see that happening so quickly.

Irace86.2.0 12-02-2020 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Tcoat (Post 3389806)
Around here I have already heard all the concerns that "It is going to change all of your DNA and mutations WILL happen".
I personally am hoping for invisibility but will take any decent power.

Going to pick up some property just in case they are correct!

Yes, thank you for bringing up the first and most prominent conspiracy theory, so we can debunk it. I too have heard this one, and thank you for broaching this subject.

I don't claim to know everything about this vaccine or about genetics, but I did take a genetics course in college as an optional elective.

This vaccine uses mRNA and nanoparticle-sized, lipid envelopes to deliver the mRNA to the host cells. The body already uses phospholipid envelops to house our cell organelles making up the membrane and to transport things like fat and cholesterol that aren't water soluble around the body.

The mRNA in the vaccine is no different than the mRNA in our own body, which was coded from our DNA in transcription and then sent to ribosomes (protein structures) on rough endoplasmic reticulum to be translated into proteins. In the case of this vaccine, the mRNA carries the amino acid sequence to translate the spike protein found on COVID. The idea is that if we produce the spike protein and not the rest of the virus, our immune system will recognize it and build a defense against it, so that when we are exposed to COVID, our immune system is already prepared to destroy the virus.

Now, mRNA is also in something called a retrovirus like HIV, which reverse transcribes its RNA into the host cells DNA and then the host cell transcribes the DNA back to RNA to be translated into more viruses, which eventually destroy the cell and burst out to go find other cells to infect. But, these retroviruses also have unique enzymes for converting the RNA back to DNA. A normal cell doesn't normally have these enzymes. If it did then they would be constantly cloning copies of their own DNA.

With that said, I am pretty certain it is impossible for this vaccine to convert and insert its sequence into our DNA permanently. Even if it did, this isn't going to turn us into zombies in an I Am Legend situation. In fact, retroviruses insert their DNA into the genome without destroying it, so there are protective measures the body has for repair, so this isn't some CRISPR scenario where this will run around inserting itself randomly in our DNA and cause massive havoc, cancer and/or death. While it is definitely reasonable to be cautious and skeptical, I don't know YET of any reason to think this wouldn't either work or just not work if the delivery system failed or the mRNA failed to code for the spike protein, but I could be wrong. Maybe a rouge prion could be produced that results in mad-cow-like zombies.

Irace86.2.0 12-02-2020 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by ScoobsMcGee (Post 3389819)
The thing I like about Irace is that if you get a soapbox within 20 meters of him, he gravitates toward it like a cat to an empty box. Thank you for the information, more seriously.

Guilty :bonk: You set me up, and I'll knock em down. :cheers:

Atmo 12-02-2020 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Spuds (Post 3389821)
Lol that is lightspeed for government stuff. I'm actually surprised to see that happening so quickly.

No doubt, Operation Warp Speed is historic.

My understanding is that state governors will determine who gets vaccinated when after following initial CDC mandates.

My governor laid out her plan, mostly identity politics, that will be in effect at least until 2030. Is it any wonder why you can't get a U-Haul or Pods around here?

Quote from part of Gov. Kate Brown's "plan":

Oregon’s plan to allocate and distribute COVID-19 vaccine is grounded in a commitment to health equity, which requires an examination of how power and resources are distributed. With this foundation, the vaccine plan presented here represents a starting point for the iterative, responsive work of co-creating this strategy in partnership with communities most impacted by longstanding health inequities and disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. This introduction presents the framework for Oregon’s approach to co-creation and community collaboration.


1. Prioritizing Equity: Prioritizing equity and addressing racial disparities as we work toward recovery from COVID-19.
2. Addressing Health and Economic Impacts: Address underlying systemic causes of health and wealth inequalities especially for those most impacted.
3. Ensuring an Inclusive and Welcoming Oregon: Commitment for Oregon to be an inclusive and welcoming state for all.
4. Prioritizing Community: Commitment to prioritizing community engagement and recognizing the role communities should play, especially with communities disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 and historical and contemporary racism, discrimination, and oppression, in our response and recovery efforts.
5. Addressing Power, Privilege, and Race: Address the roles power, privilege, and race play in our individual and collective responses to, and experiences of, the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as addressing structural racism and other forms of systemic oppression.
6. Sharing Power: Strive to identify, examine, and challenge where power lies in our system and to continually work to share power both internally as well as externally with our communities.

Tcoat 12-02-2020 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Atmo (Post 3389832)
No doubt, Operation Warp Speed is historic.

My understanding is that state governors will determine who gets vaccinated when after following initial CDC mandates.

My governor laid out her plan, mostly identity politics, that will be in effect at least until 2030. Is it any wonder why you can't get a U-Haul or Pods around here?

Quote from part of Gov. Kate Brown's "plan":

Oregon’s plan to allocate and distribute COVID-19 vaccine is grounded in a commitment to health equity, which requires an examination of how power and resources are distributed. With this foundation, the vaccine plan presented here represents a starting point for the iterative, responsive work of co-creating this strategy in partnership with communities most impacted by longstanding health inequities and disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. This introduction presents the framework for Oregon’s approach to co-creation and community collaboration.


1. Prioritizing Equity: Prioritizing equity and addressing racial disparities as we work toward recovery from COVID-19.
2. Addressing Health and Economic Impacts: Address underlying systemic causes of health and wealth inequalities especially for those most impacted.
3. Ensuring an Inclusive and Welcoming Oregon: Commitment for Oregon to be an inclusive and welcoming state for all.
4. Prioritizing Community: Commitment to prioritizing community engagement and recognizing the role communities should play, especially with communities disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 and historical and contemporary racism, discrimination, and oppression, in our response and recovery efforts.
5. Addressing Power, Privilege, and Race: Address the roles power, privilege, and race play in our individual and collective responses to, and experiences of, the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as addressing structural racism and other forms of systemic oppression.
6. Sharing Power: Strive to identify, examine, and challenge where power lies in our system and to continually work to share power both internally as well as externally with our communities.

So what I get from that is that someplace in Oregon is a poor, homeless, black, lesbian, Buddhist woman saying "I'm first!"

shiumai 12-02-2020 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by JD001 (Post 3389812)
The property market in the UK has remained pretty stable. Perhaps early next year we may see some movement when the job losses start to bite.

I think Tcoat was referencing Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.

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